I adore Demi Lovato and some of my friends might know about it. And right now, She's working with Seventeen Magazine and Jed Foundation with the campaign "Love Is Louder Than The Pressure To Be Perfect".
I write this blog based on my knowledge that I got from reading Demi Lovato's article that contain with positive messages for all of us, especially for the teenage girls all over the world.Sometime, we feel ashamed with the problem we have, it's just feel better for us to be silent and keep it for ourselves. But at the same time, we're probably going to end up feeling too much worry, moody, and depression when it's become overwhelmed.Face it guys, the common problems that we as teenager have are school task, the problem how we express ourselves in daily life, the problem of our acceptance of ourselves, problems with friends, or relationship problems with the Heartbreaker--the guys.One of those is trying to control my brain and my act in my daily life recently, and I began to think that I can't stand on my feet again, I'm playing with scrabble inside my head, I've always end up with nothing to say, even I always know what I'm gonna say. I was like "I just wanna dig a deep hole and hide in there."
Every morning at school I was trying to build my mood up so my friends couldn't see what's going through my head. And I was trying to find something that could liven up my mood, because it was like a puzzle and I didn't even know what to do. But I'm a lucky girl, I'm not one of those people who hurt their own body when I face my problem. And I'm the most lucky girl, because with the article that Demi Lovato has done, I can solve my problem with a good way.I begin to accept my own problem, cause at first I was like, "No, I'm ok. Everything is good." But pretending like that just make it worst.And because I had to thinking like, "If I'm taller, smarter, and have a great ability to speak in front of people, maybe her position is me, maybe the one that he loves is me." right now I'm learning and start to accept myself, more respect of myself, and talk myself up. Because noone better than yourself . . .And for me, all that problem solving is started from our own selves. So, it is IMPORTANT to remember, if you feel worthless and hopeless, just REMEMBER that everybody is worthy to be loved. And Demi said, "No matter how hard what you've been through, things will get better. . ."
Thank you Demi :)
PS : If you're interested in Demi's article, what is Demi Lovato trying to tell us? just click this.
I adore Demi Lovato and some of my friends might know about it. And right now, She's working with Seventeen Magazine and Jed Foundation with the campaign "Love Is Louder Than The Pressure To Be Perfect".
Saya menulis blog ini dengan pengetahuan yang saya dapat dari membaca artikel dan menonton video dari Demi Lovato yang mengedepankan pesan positif pada kita semua, terutama untuk remaja perempuan diseluruh dunia.
Terkadang, kita merasa malu akan masalah yang sedang kita hadapi, kita lebih memilih untuk diam dan memendamnya sendiri. Pada saat yang sama, kita akan berakhir dengan rasa cemas yang berlebihan, mood yang tidak menentu, dan jika semua sudah terlalu berat, mungkin akan berakhir depresi.
Face it guys, masalah yang biasa di alami remaja mungkin beratnya tugas-tugas sekolah, masalah bagaimana kita mengekspresikan diri kita sendiri dalam lingkungan, masalah penerimaan kita terhadap diri kita sendiri, permasalahan dengan teman, atau masalah hubungan dengan para heartbreaker, laki-laki.
Pernah baru-baru ini, ketika salah satu masalah itu coba menguasai pikiran dan tindakan saya sehari-hari, saya mulai berpikir bahwa saya tidak mampu untuk berdiri lagi, I'm playing with scrabble inside my head, selalu saya berakhir dengan tidak bisa mengatakan apa-apa walaupun saya selalu tau apa yang harus saya ucapkan, I was like "I just wanna dig a deep hole and hide in there."
Setiap pagi dan sampai disekolah, I was trying to build my mood up so my friends couldn't see what's going through my head. And I was trying to find something that could liven up my mood, because my mood was like a puzzle and I didn't even know what to do.
Tapi saya beruntung bukan termasuk kedalam golongan remaja yang menyakiti diri sendiri ketika menghadapai masalah, dan saya juga sangat beruntung dengan membaca artikel yang ditulis sendiri oleh Demi Lovato, saya setidaknya bisa menghadapi masalah saya dengan cara yang baik.
Saya mulai menerima masalah itu, karena sempat saya menyangkal pada diri sendiri seperti, "Ya saya tidak apa-apa, semua baik-baik saja." padahal dengan cara berpura-pura seperti itu akan memperburuk semuanya. Dan karena saya sempat berpikir, "Mungkin jika saya berkerudung, dan sedikit lebih pintar, sedikit lebih tinggi, dan pintar berbicara didepan orang banyak, mungkin posisi dia adalah saya, mungkin yang akan dicintainya adalah saya, bukan dia." sekarang saya mulai menerima diri saya apa adanya, lebih respect terhadap diri sendiri, and talk myself up, because noone better than yourself.Karena menurut saya, semua penyelesaian masalah itu berawal dari diri sendiri. So, it is IMPORTANT to remember, if you feel worthless and hopeless, just REMEMBER that everybody is worthy to be loved. And Demi said, "No matter how hard what you've been through, things will get better. . ."Thank you Demi :)
Jika tertarik dengan apa saja yang diceritakan Demi Lovato sebagai pesan untuk kita semua, click this.-Nadia